Basic Biographical Details

Name: Philip Russell Diplock
Bio Notes: Russell Diplock Associates was formed by Philip Russell Diplock who had attended the School of Architecture in Liverpool and been elected ARIBA in 1950. He was studied there for the degree DipCD. He was a member of the Town Planning Institute. He practiced from Oxfordshire.

Diplock was elected FRIBA in 1970. He is not listed in the directory for 1986.

Employment and Training


The following individuals or organisations employed or trained this (click on an item to view details):
 NameDate fromDate toPositionNotes
Item 1 of 1Russell Diplock AssociatesBefore 1970(?) Partner 


Currently, there are no references for this . The information has been derived from: the British Architectural Library / RIBA Directory of British Architects 1834-1914; Post Office Directories; and/or any sources listed under this individual's works.